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Track the real-time price of CACAO along with swap volume.
Compare the price trends of CACAO and RUNE at a glance.
This chart illustrates the price trends of CACAO and RUNE over a selected time period, highlighting their strong correlation.
Correlation Dynamics: The high correlation between CACAO and RUNE is largely attributed to the Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, where RUNE serves as one of the deepest and most actively traded assets. Since CACAO is frequently paired with RUNE in swaps and liquidity provisions, price movements in RUNE are directly reflected in CACAO's valuation.
Key Observations:
CACAO and RUNE prices exhibit parallel trends, suggesting that fluctuations in RUNE liquidity, trading activity, and market conditions significantly influence CACAO.
Despite some short-term deviations, the overall pattern suggests price convergence, reinforcing the impact of shared liquidity exposure.
This visualization is crucial for traders and liquidity providers in the Maya Protocol ecosystem, as understanding these correlations can help optimize trading strategies, liquidity provisioning, and risk management.
This chart visualizes the historical price correlation between CACAO and one of the assets below over a 2-year period. By leveraging Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, we can analyze how CACAO's value trends relative to major assets.
Track the real-time price of CACAO along with swap volume.
Price in USD
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Valuation
Total Supply
100,000,000 CACAO
0.00 CACAO0
0.00 CACAO
📑 Bonded CACAO
🗄️ CACAO Reserve
Compare the price trends of CACAO and RUNE at a glance.
This chart illustrates the price trends of CACAO and RUNE over a selected time period, highlighting their strong correlation.
Correlation Dynamics: The high correlation between CACAO and RUNE is largely attributed to the Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, where RUNE serves as one of the deepest and most actively traded assets. Since CACAO is frequently paired with RUNE in swaps and liquidity provisions, price movements in RUNE are directly reflected in CACAO's valuation.
Key Observations:
CACAO and RUNE prices exhibit parallel trends, suggesting that fluctuations in RUNE liquidity, trading activity, and market conditions significantly influence CACAO.
Despite some short-term deviations, the overall pattern suggests price convergence, reinforcing the impact of shared liquidity exposure.
This visualization is crucial for traders and liquidity providers in the Maya Protocol ecosystem, as understanding these correlations can help optimize trading strategies, liquidity provisioning, and risk management.
This chart visualizes the historical price correlation between CACAO and one of the assets below over a 2-year period. By leveraging Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, we can analyze how CACAO's value trends relative to major assets.
List of the top CACAO holders (...)
See how CACAO is distributed among holders and find out if CACAO is concentrated among a few holders or spread evenly.
Loading data...
Quick overview of wealth concentration, shows the proportion of CACAO held by the top 10 holders, the next 100 holders and all remaining holders.
Track the real-time price of CACAO along with swap volume.
Price in USD
Market Cap
Fully Diluted Valuation
Total Supply
100,000,000 CACAO
0.00 CACAO0
0.00 CACAO
📑 Bonded CACAO
🗄️ CACAO Reserve
Compare the price trends of CACAO and RUNE at a glance.
This chart illustrates the price trends of CACAO and RUNE over a selected time period, highlighting their strong correlation.
Correlation Dynamics: The high correlation between CACAO and RUNE is largely attributed to the Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, where RUNE serves as one of the deepest and most actively traded assets. Since CACAO is frequently paired with RUNE in swaps and liquidity provisions, price movements in RUNE are directly reflected in CACAO's valuation.
Key Observations:
CACAO and RUNE prices exhibit parallel trends, suggesting that fluctuations in RUNE liquidity, trading activity, and market conditions significantly influence CACAO.
Despite some short-term deviations, the overall pattern suggests price convergence, reinforcing the impact of shared liquidity exposure.
This visualization is crucial for traders and liquidity providers in the Maya Protocol ecosystem, as understanding these correlations can help optimize trading strategies, liquidity provisioning, and risk management.
This chart visualizes the historical price correlation between CACAO and one of the assets below over a 2-year period. By leveraging Maya Protocol's liquidity pools, we can analyze how CACAO's value trends relative to major assets.
List of the top CACAO holders (...)
See how CACAO is distributed among holders and find out if CACAO is concentrated among a few holders or spread evenly.
Loading data...
Quick overview of wealth concentration, shows the proportion of CACAO held by the top 10 holders, the next 100 holders and all remaining holders.