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Track the real-time price of MAYA, its value in CACAO, and recent market movements. The price is based on the latest buy/sell transactions, helping you stay updated on market trends.
MAYA holders receive daily rewards in the form of CACAO, sourced from 10% of the protocol's swap fees. The more trading activity on the network, the higher the rewards distributed. Simply hold MAYA to earn passive income from the protocol's growth.
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Last Week
This chart shows the latest MAYA trading activity on, an order book exchange where traders can place limit and market orders with full control over pricing.
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MAYA is a revenue-sharing token within the Maya Protocol ecosystem. With a fixed supply of 1 million, MAYA holders receive 10% of all swap fees generated by the protocol, paid out daily in CACAO.
MAYA can be held to earn passive CACAO rewards, traded on MayaSwap, or speculated on for long-term value appreciation. As Maya Protocol grows and swap volumes increase, MAYA holders benefit from rising fee distributions and deeper market activity.
Track the real-time price of MAYA, its value in CACAO, and recent market movements. The price is based on the latest buy/sell transactions, helping you stay updated on market trends.
Price in USD
Price in CACAO
Total Supply
1.00M MAYA
Market Cap
APR (7-day)
APR (30-day)
The price of MAYA is calculated based on the median of the 10 most recent buy/sell transactions in the order book.
Buy MAYA on MayaSwap
MAYA holders receive daily rewards in the form of CACAO, sourced from 10% of the protocol's swap fees. The more trading activity on the network, the higher the rewards distributed. Simply hold MAYA to earn passive income from the protocol's growth.
Last 3 Months
Last Month
Last Week
This chart shows the latest MAYA trading activity on, an order book exchange where traders can place limit and market orders with full control over pricing.
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Update any of the values below to estimate the APR of MAYA on different scenarios.
Projected APR
MAYA Price
List of the top MAYA holders
MAYA is a revenue-sharing token within the Maya Protocol ecosystem. With a fixed supply of 1 million, MAYA holders receive 10% of all swap fees generated by the protocol, paid out daily in CACAO.
MAYA can be held to earn passive CACAO rewards, traded on MayaSwap, or speculated on for long-term value appreciation. As Maya Protocol grows and swap volumes increase, MAYA holders benefit from rising fee distributions and deeper market activity.
Track the real-time price of MAYA, its value in CACAO, and recent market movements. The price is based on the latest buy/sell transactions, helping you stay updated on market trends.
Price in USD
Price in CACAO
Total Supply
1.00M MAYA
Market Cap
APR (7-day)
APR (30-day)
The price of MAYA is calculated based on the median of the 10 most recent buy/sell transactions in the order book.
Buy MAYA on MayaSwap
MAYA holders receive daily rewards in the form of CACAO, sourced from 10% of the protocol's swap fees. The more trading activity on the network, the higher the rewards distributed. Simply hold MAYA to earn passive income from the protocol's growth.
Last 3 Months
Last Month
Last Week
This chart shows the latest MAYA trading activity on, an order book exchange where traders can place limit and market orders with full control over pricing.
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Update any of the values below to estimate the APR of MAYA on different scenarios.
Projected APR
MAYA Price
List of the top MAYA holders
MAYA is a revenue-sharing token within the Maya Protocol ecosystem. With a fixed supply of 1 million, MAYA holders receive 10% of all swap fees generated by the protocol, paid out daily in CACAO.
MAYA can be held to earn passive CACAO rewards, traded on MayaSwap, or speculated on for long-term value appreciation. As Maya Protocol grows and swap volumes increase, MAYA holders benefit from rising fee distributions and deeper market activity.